Credit Critical to a firm’s control environment and its mitigation of risk resulting from loan and credit exposure is the Independent Loan Review function (ILR) and periodic independent validation of credits and their associated ratings. The eDelta Difference...
Outsource Solution Professionally Proven & Successful Audit Outsourcing Model The eDelta Difference All aspects of each engagement are executed within our applied Quality Assurance (QA) model, performed by the assigned Quality Assurance Audit Professional (QAAP),...
Workpaper Standards Internal Audit Workpaper Standards include: The eDelta Difference All work papers evidence both preparer and approver as part of the audit’s on-going work paper review and QA process. A Risk & Control Matrix (RCM) which leads each work paper...
eDelta was founded in 2000 by former “Big-4″ professionals who recognized the need for an assurance and advisory practice offering a full-range of services priced to enable small to large companies access to top-tier “quality” and “experience” regardless of budget. With extensive financial, operational, and technology backgrounds, we leverage our governance, risk and compliance expertise to provide a comprehensive solution to meet our Client’s needs, risk appetites, and compliance mandates.