
Change Management: Risks, Controls, and Audit

SKU RIS-0003
Product Details

Training Duration: 2 days

Training Delivery Method: On-site, instructor-led course; or online, instructor-led course

Prerequisites: IT control professionals and auditors interested in learning A-to-Z of change management

What Problem Does This Training Help Solve?

Helps you become proficient change management professional in controls and audit

Who Should Attend?

IT auditors, IT change management professionals, IT risk managers, BC/DR professionals who have to align their plans with change management, professionals responsible for writing policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines for change management

Course Material:

Content-rich manual/course handouts consisting of about 180 foils

Course Syllabus:

Change is an integral part of IT and change management is probably one of the most important controls in any organization. This seminar provides an understanding of information systems change management controls and addresses the risks and challenges associated with large-scale change projects.

Topics to be covered:

    • Why we manage change
    • Roles and responsibilities for change management
    • Change management policies and standards
    • Change management procedures and guidelines
    • What you currently have in place and its assessment
    • ISO 27001 requirements and gap analysis
    • Alignment with security policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines
    • Change management and BC/DR alignment
    • Change management alignment with business objectives
    • Change-related risks
    • Preventive and detective controls
    • Auditing change controls
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Change Management: Risks, Controls, and Audit